Wednesday, August 24, 2011

School's Back from Summer!

Sorry, had to change it around a little. For all you Dentonites out there, there are some great places to go and things to do still, even on the weekend. I know that there are times that you get bored and tired of the same old routine, here are a list of interesting things you can do:

  1. Check Midway Mart and find out how many different craft beers there are and try a new one out.. 
  2. Go to Beth Marie's and make a new flavor out of what they currently have. 
  3. Try the Guiness Ice Cream at The Abbey Inn
  4. On Wednesdays, try to see if you can out sing and perform at Andy's with karaoke, on the main stage
  5. Check out Metzler's on Londonderry for good Barbeque. 
  6. Go to Riprocks and count how many cell phones there are on the wall. 
  7. Check out RT's and see if you can find out the exact length of the bar. If you want an extra challenge, see if you can figure out the area. Plus, get some lunch there. Great food.
  8. Find out which bar has the smallest bar. (I think I know this one)
  9. Try one of the Taquillarias here in town.
  10. See if you can get a message up on one of the Frenchy's Trucks.
  11. Find out about the Morrison's Corn-Kits sign history. 
  12.  Count how many businesses start and shut down in the Golden Triangle Mall 
This should give all you guys some extra things to think about this year and just some interesting tidbits about Denton, TX. And good luck to all the students, new and returning.

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